Global Oregon Summer Translation Studies Award

Under the auspices of Global Oregon, the Oregon Center for Translation Studies invites applications from UO graduate and undergraduate students for awards that will support  an internationally oriented project in Translation Studies. Two or more awards of $500-$1000 each will be made to UO graduate students; two or more awards of $500 each will be made to UO undergraduate students.

Graduate Summer Translation Award:
The project may involve work on a translation project or on an aspect of translation theory or criticism, or a combination. Possibilities include preparation or completion of a translation of one or more short stories or a series of poems; work on an article or dissertation chapter focused on a problem in translation theory; a comparison of multiple translations or approaches to the translation of a given literary, philosophical, or other work displaying complex issues embedded in language; or research-related travel for work on an appropriate project. The successful applicants will present their projects to the Oregon Center for Translation Studies at the end of the grant period, preferably in Fall term.

Applicants should submit a 2-page narrative proposal, including a description of the project, work completed on the project to date, an explanation of the importance of Global Oregon funding to completion of the proposed work, and a proposed timeline. Include a CV (2 pages maximum) and a statement of support from the applicant's adviser.

Undergraduate Summer Research Award:
The project may involve the completion of a translation of one or more short stories, a section of a novel, a dramatic work, or a series of poems. The successful applicants will present their projects to the Oregon Center for Translation Studies during Spring term, explaining what the challenges are, what draws them to their particular projects, and how they plan to work on them. Each grantee will submit a written report on the result of the project by October. Graduating seniors are eligible to apply.

Applicants should submit a 2-page narrative proposal, including a description of the project, any work completed on the project to date, an explanation of the importance of Global Oregon funding to completion of the proposed work, and a proposed timeline. You may include a statement of support from an adviser or faculty member, but it is not a requirement for a successful proposal.

Regularly enrolled UO students.

Each application must include the following:

  • A completed application (applications are currently closed).
  • A 2-page narrative proposal, uploaded to the online form.
  • A current CV, uploaded to the online form (graduate students only).
  • Approval from faculty supervisor (question included in form linked above).

To be considered for a Global Oregon Summer Travel Grant, candidates must submit a completed application by: February 15, 2025

Please note that this award is only for students who plan to travel and use the awarded money while still enrolled as a UO student. Graduating seniors who will be traveling following graduation are not eligible. 

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